Engine Blog

To Blog or Not to Blog…

To Blog or Not to Blog…

Hey there! So in case you didn’t notice or place the reference in my headline… Jesper is from Denmark, as was Hamlet who coined, “To be or not to be, that is the question.” And I, Michelle, was an English major and spent many an hour in Shakespeare, hence my blog...

Spring Cleaning? Don’t Forget to Dust Off your Website

Spring Cleaning? Don’t Forget to Dust Off your Website

Think of your website like your home – it needs a little TLC to stay inviting and functional. Just as you maintain your yard, appliances, and car, your website deserves some attention too. That's where we come in to lend a hand. Your website isn't just a pretty face;...

What is Website Hosting and Why does it Matter who Hosts My Site?

What is Website Hosting and Why does it Matter who Hosts My Site?

In the fast-paced digital landscape, the choice of website hosting can make a significant impact on your website's success. At Engine, we understand the crucial factors that matter to our clients — security, speed, and the assurance of a real person to address any...

Revamp 2024: Your Website’s Resolution

Revamp 2024: Your Website’s Resolution

Revamp Your Website in 2024 Happy New Year! Now, the question we all get…  Any Resolutions?  Many of us have resolutions to organize and prioritize various things in our lives. Being a web development company, this is us saying your website is one area that fits into...

Crafting Your Digital Foundation: Web Developers

In the vast landscape of the internet, where websites and applications weave the fabric of our digital experiences, there exists a group of tech-savvy artisans known as web programmers. There are many do-it-yourself web applications. There are also many digital...

The Importance of Making Your Website more Accessible

The Importance of Making Your Website more AccessibleIn our rapidly evolving digital age, where websites serve as gateways to information, products, and services, it's essential that we don't leave anyone behind. Ensuring that your website is accessible to those with...

Do You Need a Maintenance Update?

A maintenance package for a website is essential to ensure the proper functioning, security, and optimal performance of the website over time. If you have not had maintenance done on your website in a year or more please seriously consider having us update your site...

Let me Tell You a Story…

From a young age I was entranced by computers and technology. I grew up in Denmark, and received a dual degree in Computer Science and Business at the Copenhagen Business College. While I was dedicated to my studies and eager to embark on a successful career in...

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